Advanced formula with natural fruit acids to treat and prevent ingrown hairs!
Specifically formulated to both treat and prevent ingrown hairs this serum contains Aloe Vera and Chamomile to calm, soothe and gently exfoliate the skin surface. Used regularly on affected areas it will banish the itching and discomfort associated with ingrown hairs as well as reduce inflammation and gradually free the hair follicle. Use before waxing to prevent ingrown hairs. Safe to use on the face and body. Ideal for use by both male and female.
The new advanced formula with natural fruit acids
先进的配方与天然水果酸治疗和预防向内生长的头发! 专门制定治疗和防止向内生长的头发血清含有芦荟和洋甘菊平静,舒缓,轻轻地去除脱落的皮肤表面。经常使用在受灾地区将消除瘙痒和不适与向内生长的毛发以及减少炎症和逐步免费毛囊。使用打蜡前防止向内生长的头发。安全使用在脸上和身体。适合男性和女性使用。< br > 新的先进配方与天然水果酸< br > 不含人工防腐剂 没有香味和颜色